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Scottsdale City Council & Mayoral Candidate Statements Leaked Preemptively

Mason Gates
Scottsdale City Council & Mayoral Candidate Statements Leaked Preemptively

On April 10th, Scottsdale City Clerk, Ben Lane, preemptively shared all "Candidate Statements" with municipal candidates under the guise of "verifying the accuracy" of the already approved statements.

Lane's decision to share these statements comes just days before the April 15th deadline to challenge the validity of another candidate's nominating petition signatures.

Thankfully, unlike other candidates who paid their way to the ballot like incumbent, "Blank Stare" Durham, and "Axon-Loving" Laos, I actually took the time to go door-to-door, and connect with as many constituents as possible to earn their signature.

To make matters worse, sources have told me that there is a long-standing tradition of city staff members sharing candidate statements with council members who they are partial to, before said statements are accessible to the general public.

This undermines the integrity of municipal elections and ultimately seeks to sabotage political opponents' campaigns.

Nevertheless, I stand by what I said in my official statement.

Tammy Caputi's reign on Scottsdale City Council needs to end.

Caputi has seemingly displayed her lack of regard for residents through her partiality to the special interests that bankroll her campaign.

Whether it's her voting record favoring high-density developments, traffic lane reduction agenda, or her blatant disregard for residents, it's time to replace Caputi's seat in Scottsdale with someone who cares about our community.

A vote for Mason Gates is a vote for Scottsdale.

All Candidate Statements ↓


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